Friday, 21 March 2014

Emilia retains the Ladies' title

Yesterday evening current Suffolk Ladies' Champion Emilia Jewell took on former Champion Vicky Allen to decide the fate of this year's competition.   As the match started, Emilia was on 2/2 and Vicky on 1½/2, so the winner would gain the title (or a draw would be sufficient for Emilia).

The match was very close fought, with Vicky a pawn ahead early on and then an exchange up.   But a blunder by Vicky allowed Emilia to win back the exchange (see below).

The game was petering out to a draw, but Vicky ran out of time.   Generously, Vicky commented afterwards that "Emilia's endgame technique was better than mine!"

The position shown below was reached after Vicky's (White) 29th move:

Emilia played 29...Nf5+ (the best move in this position), to which Vicky replied 30. Ke4?   So Emilia was able to win back the exchange with 30... Ng3+.

There were only four entrants in this year's Ladies' Championship, with Vicky and Anita Somton sharing second place on 1½ points.   Last place went to 11-year old Bethany Young from Stowmarket, who failed to score.


  1. Anonymous26 March 2014 at 19:57

    surly after Nf5 Ke4 Ng3+ Kxe5 Nxh1 Rxh1 the game is completely winning for white??
    tell me if I am wrong more active king passed pawn and extra pawn

  2. Bob Jones26 March 2014 at 20:33

    First, please state your name (or sign up to a free Google account). The game continued as follows (after 32. Rxh1): ... Ke7 33. Rd1 Re8 34. d6+ Kd7+ 35. Kd5 b6 36. b4 cxb4 37. axb4 Re6 38. Kc4 Rxd6 39. Ra1 b5+ 40. Kc3 Ke6 41. f4 g6 42. g4 h5 43. Re1+ Kf6 44. Re5 hxg4 45. Hxg4, at which point Vicky lost on time. It's difficult to see, because White's 33rd move looks natural, but instead Rc1 would probably be winning..

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