Friday, 18 September 2015

Cambridgeshire Girls Challenge

It is rare that a tournament is organised in East Anglia that is aimed specifically at girls.   But that is what is happening on Sunday 8 November, when the Cambridgeshire Girls Challenge will be held at Sidney Sussex College in Cambridge city centre.

One of the organisers is former Suffolk junior Anna York-Anderson, who is currently studying at university in Cambridge.

The entry form states:
"...local tournaments often feature a predominance of male contestants.   We want to encourage the girls to turn out and to keep playing, so this chess challenge is exclusively for girls (sorry boys!)"

There will be five rounds with 25 minutes each per game.   Entrants will be divided into sections by age, with cut-offs determined by the number of entries in each age-group.   It only costs £6.00 to enter.

Entry forms are available by emailing .   They will be also sent by email to all girls known to be currently playing chess in Suffolk.

If you have any queries, you can contact directly.


  1. Kevin FST20 September 2015 at 19:07

    The link to Anna's email is not working properly. I believe it should produce [email protected].

    1. Bob Jones20 September 2015 at 20:56

      Thanks Kevin. I had typed a colon instead of an ampersand. Well, they are next to each other on the keyboard.

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