Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Volunteers needed

Those two words strike fear and dread into most people. But volunteering, as discovered by the Gamesmakers at the Olympics and Paralympics, can be incredibly satisfying and rewarding. But unless you try, you'll never experience the 'kick'.

Back in September, at the Suffolk AGM, two posts were unfilled. And so they remain today. Both are important, in different ways.

The Vice-President supports the President and stands in for him at meetings if he is unable to attend. Colin Roberts has just taken over as President and all things being equal, will serve three years in this post. In September 2015 a new President needs to be elected; the incumbent Vice-President is usually the one. That gives the best part of three years to 'learn the ropes'. Ideally, the Vice-President needs to have reasonable organisational abilities, as well as knowing how to run a meeting.

The other vacancy is for Junior Organiser. It can't be stressed how important this role is, because without youngsters coming into the game, the county will decline in strength in years to come. Somne support is probably needed for one junior club that is struggling to survive, and good communication needs to be established with primary and secondary schools in the county. Many of Suffolk's juniors have gone on to become strong adult players, at county and in some cases, national and international levels. This can be an incredibly satisfying role, but the commitment needed shouldn't be under-estimated.

Canddates for either post should contact either me (Bob Jones) or the President (Colin Roberts). See Contacts page for details.

If you have read this, and can think of someone else who could potentially fill either of these posts, please talk to them about it.

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